JNCL-NCLIS updates
Take Action to Support the World Language Advancement and Readiness Grants Program
May 12th, 2022 | JNCL Legislative Action Center
JNCL-NCLIS is pleased to announce that Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) is leading a Dear Colleague letter that urges the Senate Appropriations Committee to support funding the World Language Advancement and Readiness Grant Program (WLARA) at $15 million in Fiscal Year 2023. We are thankful for Senator Booker's leadership and commitment to world language education.
We need your help to attract as many bipartisan co-signers as possible to the Dear Colleague before the May 18th filing deadline. Please take action today and send an email to your Congressional Senate members to urge them to add their signature to this Dear Colleague as soon as possible.
Take action and share with your networks
Language Events
Chinese New Year February of each year
Discover Languages Month February of each year
Mardi Gras March or Feburary
Carnival (Rio) February or March
Journée Internationale de la francophonie March 20th
Francophonie Atlanta March
Children's Day Festival Japan May 5
Fuji Shibazakura Festival mid April - late May
Tomatina August
Hispanic Heritage Month September
Oktoberfest October
Día de los Muertos November 2
National French Week November
Language Associations
AATF – Georgia Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of French
AATG - Georgia Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German
AATSP - Georgia Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
ASLTA – American Sign Language Teachers Association
GATJ - Georgia Association of the Teachers of Japanese
GCA - Georgia Classical Association
GCLE - Georgia Chinese Language Educators
· Department of Education:
GA DOE - GaDOE World Languages and Global/Workforce Initiatives
GPS Georgia Performance Standards for Modern Languages and Latin
GSE Georgia Standards of Excellence for World Languages (MS DLI and SNS3 only)
TeachGeorgia (Teaching job openings)